Whitefish Bay High School
Dennis Tempel
Dennis' Latest Interactions
Brian and I were Chi Psi fraternity brothers at Madison. We had a great easly 20th c. castle overlooking the lake. Very steep stairs took us down to our pier, NOT a good idea after quaftiing a few of those beers that were always on tap. How did we survive??
Hi Larry,
Have you considered the donation "overages" being applied to Gary Rosenberg's Class of '62 fund he set up in 2012? It occured to me to suggest it when you asked if I wanted a refund but I didn't. I contributed to Gary fund. in 2012 and would be happy to add to his good cause (unless you have already spent my $500).
Did you see Jon Bach's obit in the Journal/Sentinal. His ex-wife Kathy and I keep in touch. She sent it to me last week; we loose another Cumberland-er.
I hope you are well,
Posted on: Mar 25, 2019 at 9:48 AM
Did you ever imagine that we would reach 75 yrs.? I focused on that lovely light my candle created by burning both ends. I thought I might get to 40 and that would be enough of the FULL LIFE. I'm glad I jammed so much into the early decades and that my body/mind keep functioning at agreeable standard.
Still bike/swim daily, read without glasses, have a full head of hair, a 31" waist/150 lbs., get "hit upon" daily by mature women and smile a lot about my happy life.
I hope you are feeling like a youthful 75, too.
I came upon the photos of us (plus Mark and Paul) in our Huntington Ct. abode in '63/64. Many warm/fuzzy memories there. Even our frequent weekend house guest Jan J. featured in photos.
Keep well,
Posted on: Jun 20, 2018 at 9:24 AM
Yesterday was Lester Flatt's Birthday - - and, not surprisingly, I thought of YOU and your amazing concerts with Paul Peterson in that cute alcove we had at Huntingdon Court.
I hope you are well and Happy. I think I am doing really well for an Older Youth, especially when I survey my exact contemporaries.
Warmest Wishes,
Hi Ed,
Today is Lester Flatt's Birthday (1914-1979)
I'm still awaiting your report on the Picnic Reunion 2016.
Things are good here in Key West. I hope you are in good form, too.
Warm Wishes,
Hi Barbara,
I was sad to see that NO ONE responded to your Cumberland memory lane.
YES, Corliss Baker (8th grade) was a Nut Job. I think he taught science.
Lorraine Rotter was very dear. I tried to offer a visit to her on one of my trips to the Bay in the '70s. She said that she was unable to meet with former students. I respected her decision. I kept up with Lauiline Fyffe (Ed's mom) on my Bay visits. She was close to Mrs Rotter and explained that she had become somewhat reclusive. Mr Riebolt rounded out our 8th grade cast of characters; he followed us to the high school when we graduated in '58.
I think the 7th grade line up of educators was even more peculiar: (Charles) Keith Smith (who went onto become Principal) was in evidence very rarely as I remember, leaving us to get on with educating ourselves (in SCIENCE !). Phylis Ludowissie (sp?), Math, was very odd in her clumsy boots and all sorts of fashion mistakes. Dear Miss Adolf, English, had a hard time getting any respect from our junior high classmates. Some were very cruel about her leg disability. Some of us hooligans did manage to pull our act together and become more compassionate by the time we got to high school.
Thanks for the memories,
Happy birthday!
Hi Mary and Brad,
For those of us who were unable to get to your Picnic Reunion, are we ever going to receive juicy details or X-rated photos of the day? At one stage I was relying on Ed Fyffe who seemed to have endless time to keyboard thousands of words to EVERYONE in the weeks preceding the July event and now seems to have dropped below radar again.
Anyway, I thought it was very brave and generous to invite everyone to your home. I hope the attendees behaved well. I thought of that today when I heard the oxymoron "adult male"; I think we all come across elderly men who seem to be locked in their delinquent late teens/early 20s.
Warm Best Wishes,
Posted on: Jul 11, 2016 at 11:24 AM
Dave! You haven't changed at all (or are you a bit taller than you were in 8th grade?)
Always pleasing to hear news of one of one's friends from our ancient history at Cumberland.
All Best Wishes,
Posted on: Jul 11, 2016 at 11:16 AM
Dear Marilyn,
With all this dangerously exciting build-up for the July 16th Picnic, ( probably not good for us at this age; have you noted that Eddy Fyffe still thinks the picnic is on the 15th - - I hope Brad and Mary have a guest room available for his day-early arrival) I've been buzzing around the recent messages. I had tears of joy when I read your firm, but polite, put-down of people who want you to get "Linked-in". I also have firm limits on how far I am willing to embrace technology. I DO NOT do facebook or any of the other social media sites, I do not text ( or allow receipt of same) and hug all those hours each day that I devote to being away from a device. YUP, a true Luddite....
I hope you manage your condo move without too much angst.
Warmest Best Wishes,
Good Taste, Grant/Dave. I too thought Jill R. and Janet O. were the BEST. Also, thanks for reminding Fyffer who I am. I hope all is GOOD with you.
Posted on: Jun 23, 2016 at 11:12 AM
EVERYONE knows that KW stands for Key Weird, the island I call home. By the way, you are Eddy WHO?